So what makes a good family meeting?

  • Leaving anything that is in the past, in the past. Focus on the future.
  • Let everyone have an opportunity to share their goals and concerns.
  • Set an agenda ahead of time.
  • Before you meet, have one person reach out to each family member to gather their goals and concerns for the meeting. This can be a sibling or advisor.

In the family meeting, here are some typical topics that are discussed:

  • What are your or your parents’ goals for care and aging?
  • Each family member shares goals and concerns for meeting.
  • Who will be responsible for leading family meetings, arranging and coordinating care, providing advocacy at doctor’s appointments, or in a hospital or care facility, communicating with family and what is the communication process?
  • When you/Mom/Dad need more help at home, care will be provided by _____ and will be paid via _______ and care will be overseen by _________.
  • When we find ourselves in a medical crisis our plan is to_________.
  • When a loved one passes away, where will the remaining parent reside and how will care be provided?
  • How often will you hold a family meeting?
  • Who have Mom and Dad identified as their Healthcare and Financial Powers of Attorneys?
  • Who will help with bills and bookkeeping if need be?
  • Where are Mom and Dad’s passwords and documents organized and kept if there were an emergency?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Davis Wealth Advisors. We will continue to provide more resources and add them to our website.

Here are a few as you get started. The Conversation Project has some great guides and resources, as well as the National Institute on Aging.