Spring is here. It is one of my favorite times of year. I am a gardener, and seeing that new growth reaching up out of the ground, and flowers start to open brings me such joy. I reflect on what went well in my gardens last year and what was a bit lackluster and maybe needs more nurturing and attention this year. So much of gardening parallels our lives. What do we want to nurture in our lives, what needs a bit more attention, and what is going well that we should celebrate. Maintaining our health, nurturing relationships, and managing purposeful work takes up a good amount of time. My hope is that we are helping our clients create a financial foundation that allows them to really think about what they want to nurture and gives them the information they need to make an informed decision on how something impacts their financial life.

Our mission at Davis Wealth Advisors is to help clients live life without regrets. We are so lucky to work with clients who are intentional and aren’t afraid to try hard things or to have hard conversations. One thing that has been top of my and Stephanie’s mind, as well as many of our clients, is how to plan for aging parents. Stephanie lost her father last year and I lost both my father-in-law at the age of 68 and then my own father at the age of 74 a few years ago. We have family members and clients facing early dementia and other debilitating illnesses. Life doesn’t always happen the way you plan. Managing through a changing health situation and navigating end of life planning is hard, especially when you think you are going to have a lot more time to do it.

This year one of my focuses is to build a better framework around helping families create an aging plan, whether it is regarding their parents or themselves. What I know is that planning ahead empowers those to have control over how their care is managed, and communicating with family about what that will look like through family meetings increases the odds that a family will come through a stressful health event strong instead of broken. Please see the information below on Family meetings and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Stephanie to discuss.

One more thing to share. We are going to start up quarterly webinars. Based on client feedback, our first will be on Medicare. See more details below on registering and please share with friends and family. Pat Bennett is one of the best. It is sure to be a great session.